The page is where information such as: teams, times, dates and stream locations should be posted for all tournaments and events not hosted by the 4CCC.
2012 Autism Awareness and Ganon Memorial Cup
The first invitational tournament held around Easter. The teams that competed in the tournament are /3/, /a/, /cgl/, /m/, /n/, /pol/, /sp/ and /tg/. /tg/ were the winners of the cup beating /a/ 2-0.
A series played between /co/ and /tg/ in honor of their amazing Winter Cup qualifying match. First series was played on December 2nd. Always played in an open-air stadium for some reason. /tg/ won the Cup 3 games 0.
Tournament created by /u/ manager Gracen Hallibaster that will feature the teams related to Japanese culture. The competitors are /a/, /jp/, /m/, /d/, /c/, /cm/, /cgl/ and /u/. Tournament was held on December 22. /u/ were were winners of the cup beating /cgl/ 3-1.
Trip Cup
An unranked tournament created and run by /mlp/ manger Nor/mlp/erson. The cup competitors were chosen by the immense numbers of tripfaggotry located on their respective boards. The teams competeing were /sp/, /o/, /vg/, /mu/, /soc/, /mlp/, /vp/, and /k/. Date originally set for November 24 but was pushed back to November 25. Host ended up being Loli. /vg/ won the cup beating /mlp/ 2-0.
2012 Christmas Cup
Impromptu invitational created by former /n/ manager (and manager of 16 other teams) Dragonfag !!FJeHLyDVDRa. Contestants were chosen on a first come, first serve basis, with newcomer teams /an/, /fa/, /int/, /po/, /tv/ and /x/ taking this advantage to participate. /o/ defeated /y/ 3-0 in the final, while /tv/ and /po/ duked it out on penalties until /tv/ won. /o/ went on to face Cup Bosses /toy/ (Who they lost to 3-0), /q/ (Who they defeated 1-0), and reddit (who they beat 5-0).
The World Series
An invitational created by /trv/ manager MauledByTheTigers !!jawkONBJmdi that featured international boards. The competitors were /int/, /pol/, /n/ and /trv/. Tournament consisted of a Round-Robin Style Group Stage followed by a seeded knockout round. /n/ won the tournament beating /trv/ 3-2.
ISS 64chan
A friendly competition between /v/ and /vg/ hosted by Doogie_ !!x+r9Qm5rK7O. The inaugural ISS 64chan Cup was held on February 14th as a best of 3 series, featuring /v/ and /vg/. /vg/ won the series 2 to 1 in a stunning 12-6 victory in the deciding third game.
Cup Finalists Cup
An invitational set up by /soc/ manager Sexcopter !!DmLjci16Djv that will feature the finalist from the 2012 Spring Babby Cup to the 2013 Winter Cup. The teams will be set to match their appearance in their respective Cup. The Winter Cup /toy/ Squad won the tournament, defeating Spring Babby Cup /3/ 3-0.
Tottoric Up
A terrible no-good invitational being operated by Tottori to settle on the field who gets their PES model requests made. /tg/ won the tournament, beating /u/ 3-1.
2013 World Wars Cup
An invitational set up by /g/ manager UselessNepgear !!fHl/yYFVg52. Teams participating have a tie to war in some way. /int/ won the tournament, beating /trv/ 3-1.
Halloween Bowl 2013
An invitational set up by /jp/ manager Doogie_ !!x+r9Qm5rK7O. In order to compete each team has to have a horror themed roster, anthem and goalhorn. /c/ won the tournament, beating /m/ 4-1.
/vg/ League
An invitational League set up by Nor/mlp/erson !!NOg6D3P25U that features teams created by the various general threads on /vg/. /dsg/ won the tournament, beating /acg/ 3-2.
Weeabowl II
A bowl that features the teams related to Japanese culture. The Weeabowl should be held on Dec 21-22, With Gracen and Boris splitting up the work load. Teams are /a/, /c/, /cm/, /d/, /jp/, /m/, /u/, and /y/ . It will be the first un/offical stream of PES14 game-play. /h/ won the tournament, beating /jp/ 2-1.
Tottoric Up 2
Wherein teams compete for fabulous Blender prizes and stuff, again. /tg/ won the tournament (again), beating /v/ 4-1.
Fake Teamb Owl
Warning: Heavy circlejerking. Just stay far away from this.
/vg/ League 2
The Second installment of the /vg/ League featuring new additions. /dng/ won the tournament, beating /pdg/ 4-1 on Penalties.
Tecmo 4cc
A tournament held by SUPERtwinky where various 4cc teams (plus the LA Raiders) played towards the Superb Owl in Tecmo Bowl. /vp/ won the Owl, beating /mu/ 42-24.
Thanksgiving Bowl
A tournament held by carmastrikes. Held on the 28th and the 29th of November. [s4s] won the tournament after beating /b/ 4-2 in the final match.
/vg/ League 3
The third installment of the /vg/ League. Ended with [REDACTED] winning the final 3-2 over /wtg/.
Kurisumasu Cup
A tournament that is totally-not-this-year's-Weeabowl. This single elimination tournament featured 12 teams related to Japanese culture - /a/, /c/, /d/, /e/, /i/, /jp/, /h/, /m/, /u/, /vp/, /w/ and /y/. It was held on 19th and 20th of December by Sleep Deprived Anon, with /h/ winning the final after beating /m/ 2-1.
Good Try Bowl
An eight-team single-elimination knockout tournament featuring all the teams that finished third in their group in the 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup. Ended with /hm/ actually winning something.
2015 Antares Memorial Cup
A 10-man tournament hosted by Ordinate and Pybro featuring mostly technology related teams (and /a/). Ended with /trv/ taking a 2-0 final win over /biz/.
Jenkey Memorial Cup
A 8-team cup hosted by /mlp/ featuring selected teams played in PES 15. Happened on the weekend of January 10 and 11 with /mlp/ beating /biz/ in the final 3-2 by scoring in the 110th minute of extra time.
Fake Teamb Owl 2: Tecmo Boogaloo
A tournament with fake teams being hosted in Tecmo Super Bowl, happening on January 24-25, 2015.
2015 Winter Loser Ball
The 2015 Winter Loser Ball is an unofficial invitational for the best 8 loser teams from the group stages of the 2015 4chan Winter Cup. A chance for them to show us that they can do better, or to prove that they are truly scrubs. Hosted by ThunderFlamenco.
Tag Team Cup
Boards compete in pairs, with joint teams consisting of members from both teams, and 1 combined gold player(For example a /k/-/asp/ team could have Sergeant Slaughter) in a GSSSS format with both teams gold players as the silver players. Date set for March 20-22 2015.
/vg/ League 4
The 4th installment of the /vg/ League. Ended with /dng/ capturing their second title, beating /hsg/ 2-1
1.12 Memorial Cup
Because it wasn't bad enough the first time, carmastrikes !!SlaOZ6azSy+ decided we all need to relive the pain that was the 2014 4chan Summer Cup, except this time in the goalfest that is PES15. The main goal is to test changes similar to the ruleset that was used last Summer, in an attempt to force teams to rely more on defense instead of goalkeeping, because it is in the host of this cup's opinion that not only are there too many goals in 15, but too many saves. /w/WINSLOL
The second edition of the FLGS Cup hosted by somebody (possibly Boris) between /co/ and /tg/ that includes /m/ and /toy/. Took place July 25-26. /co/ won something before immediately going to deep shit.
Lark's Madness
A 60-team single-elimination tournament featuring every 4CC team, with the top four ranked teams after Summer getting byes to the second round. /s/WINSLOL (please kill us)
FIFI Wild Cup
A 6 team group stage and knockout tourny featuring small mino teams based of real life small mino teams. The tourny was to help fans during the dead season and to decide which teams would be used for the next unofficial friendlies. Taken place on 10-12 September, San Marino won it all, beating Liechtenstein 3-2.
Vidya Bowl
An invitational featuring the vidya boards (/v/, /vg/, /vp/, /vr/) playing for a totally legit You're Winner! trophy and bragging rights until the next cups come. Occurred September 26 and September 27th, hosted by Captain Planet. /vp/ took the final in a penalty shootout over
Losersb Owl
A 60-team single elimation tournament where the losers of each match advance to the next round rather than the winner. Full of memes and terribleness, it began the weekend following the 2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup.
/vg/ League 5
The fifth /vg/ League. /vr/WINSLOL as they redeemed their shameful loss in the Vidya Bowl.
Kurisumasu Cup II
A tournament that is totally-not-this-year's-Weeabowl for the second time in a row. This single elimination tournament features 18 teams related to Japanese culture It was held on the 26th and 28th of December by Sleep Deprived Anon. /d/ won the tournament, beating /a/ in the finals 2-1.
Jon Memorial Cup
Also known as the JMC2. Another 8-team cup hosted by /mlp/ featuring selected teams played in PES 2016. Was played the weekend of January 2nd-3rd.
4CC Stanleyc Up
After an aborted attempt at 4CC/hoc/ using NHL94, an effort using actual aestetics, fights, and 3D gameplay from NHL04 was played on the weekend of January 1st. /jp/ won.
Test Cup V 16
The second PES 16 invitational hosted by /b/ manager Captain Planet, with 16 teams. Was played on January 9th-10th and 16th-17th.
/a/ won the final 4-2 over
Tag Team Cup 2
The second Tag Team Cup. /wu/WINSLOL
/vg/ League 6
The SIXTH /vg/ League, now featuring qualifiers! Also UselessNepgear's final league as "main" streamer. /twg/ won the final 5-3 over
Fake Teamb Owl 3
32 fake teams that otherwise would rot on hastily-made wiki pages play against each other. Also something about testing PES or something. /kanker/WINSLOL
Lark's Madness II
>lark returns for another fookin' massive elimination tourney with /his/ and /p/ joining the "competition". /d/ defeated four previous Cup winners and one Cup runner-up on their route to win the tournament.
Multinational Bowl
Real and fictional nations alike compete together in 4chan's equivalent to the World Cup. /csa/ won.
Fakkin Boolsheet Series II
Dtroit's back with more Fakkin Boolsheet. Gauntlet 2, El Generalico Classico, Dead Team Memorial, an entire tournament and more! Fun for the whole family!
The Povo Cup
A small tournament on PES 17, giving a brief glimpse of what is likely the platform for Winter 2017 (no source for this). Hosted by SDA. /soc/ won.
No Bully Bowl
An invitational designed to give inexperienced managers and commentators an opportunity to get comfortable in a low-stress, low-bully environment. Won by /eeee/.
/vg/ League 7
The >7th iteration of the universally-popular VGL, with the return of qualifiers! Hosted and streamed primarily by QD on the VGL hitbox channel. /ddg/ won the final 4-1 over
Wheel Decide End of the Year RNG Championship
It was a 32-team single elimination tournament that was the final invitational in PES 2016. The tournament was streamed by DrDtroit. /ck/ won the final 1-0 on corner kicks over
Test Cup V 17
The first PES 17 invitational hosted by Captain Planet, with 8 teams. Was played on January 7th-8th. /a/ won the final 3-2 over
Test Cup V 17.1
The second PES 17 invitational hosted by Captain Planet, with 8 teams. Was played on January 14th-15th. /pol/ won the final 2-1 over
The third edition of the FLGS Cup hosted by QD, with 4 teams. Was played on March 4th-5th. /toy/ won the final 2-1 over
Vidya Bowl II
The second edition of the Vidya Bowl hosted by Kekkels, with all four now-ELITE vidya teams competing for another very legitimate You're Winner! trophy and some bragging rights. Was played on March 11th-12th. /v/ won the final 1-0 over
Tag Team Cup 3
The third Tag Team Cup event, following Tag Team Cup 2. Was hosted March 18-19 and 25-26 by Kekkels and QD. As with the previous two Tag Team Cups, each team was made up of two boards, and used the GSSSS format. /vrm/ won the final 3-1 over
/sp/erb Owl
Tournament open to various existing generals on /sp/, in the vein of the /vg/ League, created to fill in the void left by /sp/ not having to compete in the Spring Babby Cup for that year. Hosted by TWAIN on April 16-17. /afl/ won the final over
/trans/, 2-0.
Beta Bowl
An invitational designed to give new managers some experience, hosted by /r9k/ and streamed by AlternativeRoo, with 12 teams. Was played on March 31th and April 1st-2nd.
/hanny/ won the final 2-1 over
/vg/ League 8
Now with even more qualifiers! Was played on June 9th-11th, 16th-18th and 24th-25th. /llsifg/ won the final 3-1 over
Lewd Bowl
An invitational for boards, orange or blue, that enjoy and or post lewd. Was played on June 30th and 1-2 July. /e/ won the final 2-1 over
Fakkin Boolsheet Series III
The third edition of Dtroit's football festival of PES follies - and the first in the card-friendly PES 17 - with the Chump Onions Leek, Gauntlet 3, and many more ideas you can only find in Fakkin Boolsheet!
/pol/eague 1
An invitational hosted by /pol/ and streamed by DrBorisG that features teams that represent the generals on /pol/. The tournament took place on July 8th-9th.
/ptg/ won the final 1-0 over
Moeshit Cup 2
Second edition of the Moeshit Cup planned before the 2017 Summer Cup. /garupan/ won the final 3-1 over
Golden Spoon Cup
Which 4chan board is the best at rigging PES so they can lose? The Golden Spoon Cup intends to answer this question. /pol/ lost the final 13-1 against
/gd/ to sweep this tournament with a perfect record.
The Annual Meeting of the Anacreontic Society (REAL) Fake Teamb Owl 4
64 teams come together to compete in perhaps the biggest virtual divegrass tournament one could be crazy enough to run. For the memes, I guess. /ita/ won 3-0 over
Multinational Bowl 2
Second edition of 4chan's equivalent to the World Cup, open to /int/ generals, other real nations, fictional, and historical nations. /mn/ won 2-1 over the defending champions
/vp/ Bowl
12-team tournament based around the board of /vp/, with teams representing generals on this board or other /vp/-related teams.
/poclo/ secured a perfect record in this tournament with a 3-2 win over
/genwun/ in the final.
World Wars II Cup II
The third iteration of the World Wars series, but this time it actually happened. /pol/ rewrote World Wars history by winning the final 2-1 over
/vg/ League 9
Ninth edition of the popular /vg/ general themed tournament, this time with lots of idolshit sprinkled into the mix. Took place from December 1-17. /aog/ won the final over
/gsg/, 1-0.
Omegacup 2017
Massive 128-team single-elimination tournament to celebrate the best of PES 2017 that took place in December after /vg/ League 9. /5N@F/ won the final over
/co/, 1-0.
/hoc/ League
Eight-team, minimally-managed tournament created to test out a weekly league format with new height rules and other PES rules. Teams are created to mimic real-life NHL teams, with the exception of one team representing college hockey in general. Planned to start in mid-September, break during the Autumn Babby Cup, and conclude in early December. Finally ended just before Christmas, in which /stors/ beat
/rags/ in the most >rags way possible.
/pol/eague 2
An invitational hosted by /pol/ that was streamed by DrBorisG that features teams that represent the generals on /pol/. The second iteration took place on January 5th-7th, and culminated with
/sg/ winning the final over
/ancap/, 2-1.
Tryhard PES Showdown
Four teams competed in this small invitational tournament in which the managers actually >played PES, via a special PC gaming streaming service that allows co-op game play from the cloud. Hosted by MarcoZ via the comfy stream. /toy/ won the final over
/u/, 6-2.
Tag Team Cup 4
Fourth edition of the popular Tag Team Cup series, with newly-created teams consisting of two boards each and running in GSSBBB format matching up against each other to be the best pair in the deck. Took place on March 17-18, 23-25. /reddit/ won the final over
/fn/, 2-1.
/sp/erb Owl 2018
Second edition of the /sp/erb Owl, open to all existing generals on /sp/, to be once again streamed by TWAIN. Took place from March 31 to April 8. /trb/ won over
/afl/, 2-3.
2018 Spring 4CC Cricket
T20 rules cricket played on Ashes Cricket between 8 randomly selected teams that were ranked in the top 16 at the time of selection (prior to the 2018 Spring Babby Cup). A double elimination tournament that resulted in /k/ taking home the trophy after climbing all the way to the finals after going down to the losers bracket in the first round.
Fakkin Boolsheet Series IV
THE BOOLSHEET IS BACK, YA JABRONIES!!!!!! DrDtroit once again plays host to many of your favorite Fakkin Boolsheet events - such as the Gauntlet, and the Lankyb Owl - plus there are many more fun surprises to be had in this fabulous football follies festival, coming at you this spring/summer!
/vg/ League X
The highly-popular biannual tournament open to existing generals on /vg/ celebrates its 10th edition in spectacular fashion - with a 48-team GIGAVGL, the largest ever VGL tournament! Took place just after the 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup, and concluded with VGL newcomer /vrg/ winning 4-1 over
/fgg/ in the final.
2018 4CC Champions League
Second attempt at running a tournament contested by the winners (and some runners-up) of the previous year's cups, /vg/ Leagues, and other tournaments. Unlike the first attempt, this tournament will NOT be spread throughout a period of roughly 9 months. /5N@F/ won over
/ghost/, 4-3.
(REAL) Fake Teamb Owl 5-ish
Teams play games and score points in order to have a shot at winning this sport-themed tournament. Other than that, there's not much else to say about this competition. /snes/ tried way too hard throughout this tournament, defeated
/mogra/, 4-3, in the final match to complete a perfect run, and is now permanently banned from competing in future editions of this tournament.
Upcoming Invitationals
/pol/eague 3
Third edition of the /pol/-hosted invitational open to all generals on that board. Scheduled to take place after the 2018 4chan Summer Cup.
Lark's Madness III
Third edition of the Lark's Madness series returning after 2-year-long hiatus, with all 64 4chan Cup teams - past to present, and now including /bant/ and /aco/ - competing in a single elimination tournament until one team stands alone at the end. Planned to take place sometime after Spring or Summer 2018.
Multinational Bowl 3: From Russia With Fug
Third edition of the Multinational Bowl series open to all teams representing real, fictional, and historical nations, now with added Russian flair as this year's tournament is to take place just a couple months after the World Cup. Scheduled to take place in September.
/vp/ Bowl II
An invitational based around the board of /vp/, with teams consisting of either /vp/ generals or /vp/ related teams.
On Hiatus
Kurisumasu Cup III
This single elimination tournament hosted by SDA features 12 teams related to Japanese culture - /a/, /c/, /cm/, /d/, /e/, /i/, /jp/, /h/, /m/, /u/, /vp/, /w/ and /y/. On hiatus after completion of the quarterfinals with a date for playing the remaining matches yet to be determined due to IRL issues and the passing of SDA's pet doggo.
Uncompleted Invitationals
2013 Popularity Cup
Hosted by Nor/mlp/erson !!NOg6D3P25U. The entrants were chosen by popular vote but as an added twist, managers were also being put up for popular vote. The most voted team was managed by the most voted manager and so on until 16 teams were paired with 16 managers. Originally scheduled to take place on March 2nd and March 3rd but was moved to March 23rd where it was deemed not popular enough and will never happen because a number of managers in it were revealed to be Dragonfag.
Halloween Bowl II
A second edition of the Halloween Bowl hosted by Doo_Gay that would feature teams with a spooky roster, aesthetics, and goalhorn. Was originally set for Halloween 2014 but was cancelled when the 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup was announced to play on that date.
/z/ Memorial All-Star Bowl
Even /z/'s memorial died.
Actual Fake Teamb Owl 3
Tony is a cuck.
4CC FA Cup
A tournament that was to be held by Old Man Sou. The draw took place on Challonge, seen here, but the tournament ended up cancelled. Later replaced by Lark's Madness.
Weeabowl III
The third edition of the Weeabowl series hosted by >Granec that was to feature teams based on Japanese Culture to take place over the holiday season. Never occurred but was announced so SDA could not host it, leading to the Kurisumasu Cup.
/m/ Cup
Proposed unofficial cup featuring teams representing various facets of /m/ that was to be held in celebration of that team's advancement to the 2015 4chan Summer Cup. Abandoned before any team sign-ups could be taken.
World Wars II Cup
Second edition of the World Wars series, following the 2013 World Wars Cup that was scheduled to take place before the 2015 Autumn Babby Cup. Abandoned before the draw could take place for this event.
2015 4CC Champions League
The top 16 4CC teams from the previous year (actually the top four teams each from four constructed divisions) compete in a tournament spread over approximately 9 months, similar to the real-life UEFA Champions League. The tournament was cancelled just before the third group stage matchday due to several teams being relegated to the 2016 Spring Babbies, and one 4CCCL team that failed to qualify for Winter 2016 becoming managerless.
Creative Bowl
A tournament with all 11 (at the time) boards in 4chan's Creative category that have 4CC teams and /w/ (in place of /p/, which had not formed a team then) that was scheduled for after the 2016 4chan Winter Cup. Cancelled before a game was played, likely due to some of the teams being dead, and thus not having any non-placeholder exports available for PES 2016.
Fake Teamb Owl 3 4
Fourth edition of the rigged fake team cup shindig thingee. Unlike the third edition, it will actually happen should have happened a while back, but not much has been said regarding this cup yet. Organized by John Madden and will be played in Tecmo Super Bowl.
/int/ertoto Cup
/int/-general themed PES competition, similar to the /vg/ League. Planned to take place March or April 2017, but was later cancelled due to lack of interest within /int/ generals, despite the board as a whole showing interest in the event.
Actual /ag/ League
>called itself a league
>it was actually a planned straight knockout tournament that never quite took off like more proper /ag/L tournaments
Console War
The single elimination tournament with 16 autopiloted teams based off of video game consoles, similar to the very early competitions held by GermanBro back in 2011. The tournament was to be held on DrDtroit's Hitbox channel and take place sometime before the 2017 Autumn Babby Cup before being quietly abandoned in a rarely-used closet to gather dust along with the rest of the outdated consoles.